‘Tis the season used to be one of the most joyous lines to utter this time of year for at least the last 160 years that we know of. The phrase can be traced back to the Christmas carol, “Deck the Halls,” and that song originated back in 1862. It was a way to convey that “it is” the season to be jolly and happy and, well, you get the picture. But now we use it more as a sarcastic slight to refer to the rudeness of those around us, the craziness of our families and ourselves. This guide will provide you with some holiday survival tips to help navigate the chaos.
Holiday Survival Starts Here!
Let’s be honest; as soon as the Holiday season hits, it seems as if our fellow man becomes more anxious and filled with Holiday rage versus Holiday cheer trying to get it all done. The job, the kids, the travel, etc. Here’s a quick little Holiday survival guide with some tips and tricks to help you navigate the trials of the time between Thanksgiving and January 6th.

Start early, plan ahead.
The key to a stress-free holiday survival is early preparation. Begin by designating a section in your planner, notebook, or sticky notes specifically for holiday planning. Create a checklist; we all know how effective checklists can be; just kidding; in this case, because it is a short period, you can make one of all the tasks you’ll need to tackle – from present shopping and meal planning to travel arrangements and even the decorations.
Now, divide that checklist into manageable chunks, allocating specific dates for each task; we’re going to whittle it down; don’t forget to add fun on these lists, as that can slip away too easily. For instance, set aside a day for present shopping, another for meal prep, and so on. This approach breaks down the overwhelming tasks and ensures you stay on track, giving you plenty of time to enjoy the festivities. Just like the old saying, “How do you eat an elephant?”
Planning ahead is the most important tip in this holiday survival guide!
Give a gift, volunteer, or do something thoughtful and surprising for someone else besides your mistress. No matter how you give back, you will benefit by generating positive emotions for yourself while helping someone else so that you will get something out of it. Contributing can also help us find meaning and gain perspective. Plus, you’ll get to let everyone know how good of a person you are by being sure to post your good deeds on social media.
One at a time, please
Your uncle wants to talk business. Your grandma wants to empty the dishwasher for you, but can you just show her where the spoons go? And this whisk, bowls, and glasses, and what is this tong thing? Your aunt wants you to be as worried about the calories in the eggnog as she is. Your partner wants you to help move the table into the family room, and your teenager doesn’t want to talk to you ever again as long as he lives.
It’s the holidays. Family and friends surround you, and everyone wants a piece of you. You’re feeling just like the icon that she is, “Mrs. Lifestyles of the rich and famous” (You want a piece of me) I’m Mrs. Oh my God that Britney’s Shameless (You want a piece of me)” In case you didn’t get it … “It’s Brittany, bitch”. Yes, every holiday survival kit should come stocked with some Brittany.
Alone and friendless might sound horrible, but maybe in a nice hotel room with a remote control and room service… Deep breaths. One at a time, complete focus for whoever’s in front of you, hugs when words don’t seem to be enough. Uncle Joey, can you help move the table? Can someone help great-grandma? When you call for them, all jokes aside, love will make them rally. It takes a village, am I right?

Disregard and Disengage
Everybody’s got a holiday vision, and they’re not all sugarplums. If your brother’s mental story stars him as the unappreciated, unloved middle child, or your aunt is the martyr who sacrifices all for family, your best bet is not to take a part in that movie.
When she’s following you around fussing that there won’t be enough gluten-free food for your niece with celiac or he’s commandeering your kitchen to make his famous pumpkin pie and you seem to have the wrong kind of puree and why don’t fresh, let them have their solo scenes.
If you must, you can enter the drama at a time of your choosing, but remember, some people don’t want to be happy—you do! That may mean you need to stick to your own script, forget the noise, as we used to say, and quit simply ignoring them.
Have an Escape Plan
I don’t mean this literally; well, I do. I guess it is never a bad idea to know where the closest exit is. Situational awareness, as any military person will tell you. Sometimes, it’s okay to want to escape, but be sure to have your escape planned out. Whether that is going for a run, grabbing some coffee, or putting down the plan to read a book and get sucked into an alternative reality. The holidays should be enjoyable and exciting, not aggravating.
Basic holiday survival: If you find yourself burning out, put out the fire and don’t feel bad about it for one second. My favorite way to unwind from the demanding planning that comes with the holiday season with a little one is simply doing nothing and zoning out on the couch with my phone in hand, watching some mind-numbing TV show, maybe even something scary so it really takes me far away from the current situation. A little escapism isn’t bad in moderation. Give me a few hours, and I will be ready to get back to it.
Have a Mantra
Last but not least, follow a good old-fashioned mantra. Sometimes concentrating and repeating your slogan for your life or even just that moment can help you calm down, slow down, and find your very own “Serenity NOW!”
“Yeah, everybody wants a piece of you. That’s nice, really. Just be sure to serve yourself first.”
“I am empowered and confident.”
“I am compassionate and sympathetic.”
“I am intelligent, generous, and caring.”
And if none of these work for you, try these …
“I would rather go home when this is all over and not to jail.”
“Punching them in the face will not make me feel as good as I think it would.”
“I probably wouldn’t be able to hide the body in time.”
“My cat loves me, and that’s all that matters.”