It’s our favorite time of year. The weather is warming up, there’s lots to do, and the kids are getting out of school. It sounds like the perfect opportunity to leave town for Blade Show!
Now, as hard as it may be to believe, I have never attended a knife show. Not being one to ease into things, I figured I would dive right into the biggest and baddest show in the world, Blade Show Atlanta. If you’re gonna do something, might as well do it big!

Cold Hard Steel
After meeting up with fellow Skillset contributor and long-time friend Hank Greenberg of Blackside Customs, it was time to head off to the show and let the party begin. It seems that someone told approximately 11,000 people that Skillset would be attending, so they all showed up to greet us. I mean, you really don’t think these folks just came for the knives, do you? Of course, I’m kidding; the only thing better than the knives were the makers behind the blades.
There were plenty of blades on hand from all the top knife companies and independent makers. Swords, hatchets, axes, and EDC items as far as the eyes could see. Cash was flowing from day one right up to the end of the show. If you were in the market for a fresh blade, this Blade Show was definitely the place for you.
Big Thank you and appreciation to Hank Greenberg, Ed Calderon, Jason McCoy, Jake McCoy, Tommy Latham, Mick Stryder Knives, Scorpion Six Knives, Outlier Knives, Rob Cabrera, Duane Dwyer, Jerimiah at PVK Knives, RMJ Tactical, Ursula Williams, Classic McQueen, Jerome New, The TrueShot Gun Club Crew, Kopis Knives, and all the rest who I can’t remember at this writing. (I’m sure I’ll be hearing from you)
Listen, I know this seems short and sweet, but watch the video and stay tuned for future issues of Skillset Magazine. You never know what you might see next!
Blade Show By The Numbers
Exhibitors 900
Attendance 11,000
Square Feet of Cobb Galleria 200,000
Countries Represented 17
Knives A Lot
Bali Boys Injured During Event N/A