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Twin Defenders: HERO Offers Two Non-Lethal Pepper Spray Devices

Without a doubt, the world is an unpredictable place. A typical first response is that you should be packing a firearm or knife to protect yourself. However, for many, knives and firearms might not be legal or possible to carry in their jurisdiction. For this reason, self-defense options, such as non-lethal products by HERO, are a more viable option. The twin defenders, HERO 2020 and Aiiro device, deliver a powerful punch to the bad guys with burning justice and user-friendly appeal.

Why the Need for Non-Lethal Devices from Companies like HERO?

According to Statista Research Department, in 2022, about 2.13 million people in the United States were victims of simple assault. A further 1.77 million people were the victim of violence by a stranger. Finally, about 974,030 people were the victim of a violent crime involving a weapon.

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With these numbers, the need for personal defense options is high, to say the least. Non-lethal self-defense weapons can foil an attacker’s plans without long-term consequences. And it all starts with a HERO by your side!

HERO 2020 Non-Lethal Pepper Spray Launcher

First up is the HERO 2020 non-lethal self-defense weapon. This compact pistol offers two options for deterring a “bad guy” from advancing. Using nitrogen as the power source behind the projectile, you can send either .68 caliber hard polymer projectiles or opt for a pavaball. The latter bursts and covers your foe in a cloud of debilitating pepper spray irritant. You can also choose both and interchange your options in a matter of seconds.

HERO 2020 non-lethal pepper launcher.
(Photo by HERO Defense Systems)

The weapon itself is both compact and lightweight, making it easy to carry regularly. Often, a person will keep their self-defense weapon at home because it’s either too bulky or too heavy. This is not the case with the HERO 2020.

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The HERO also differs from other pistol-style weapons in the fact that it offers a two-finger trigger design. This allows just about anyone to shoot the weapon despite their age or strength level. It’s ergonomic, easy to handle comfortably, and simple to operate with a point-your-finger-and-shoot design.

The cartridges, holding your selected ammo, are easy to use when swapping out between shots or changing ammo options. A simple-to-use release lever allows the cartridge to slide out and then be replaced within literal seconds. Less complicated parts and pre-built cartridges are the keys to quick reloads when seconds matter during a conflict.

HERO 2020 non-lethal pepper launcher.
(Photo by HERO Defense Systems)

Finally, although the unit is compact, it’s loaded with extra useful features. It contains an automatically activated stun light that delivers a blinding 600 lumens of output. Likewise, there is a Class 2 laser sight that directs your aim to where it counts.

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A rechargeable, 5 Volt battery (charged conveniently by a mini USB cable) keeps the unit fully powered between uses.

AIIRO Non-Lethal Pepper Gel Launcher

The Aiiro is even more compact than its big brother, the HERO 2020, with a design that fits easily in your palm. This device’s bite is an aerosol pepper gel that sticks to an attacker and causes burning eyes, coughing, difficulty breathing, and temporary blindness.

It projects the irritant at an incredible 2700 psi, which hits the target hard from a safe distance. Its effects last about one hour, but that’s plenty of time to flee the scene or overcome your assailant.

The unit, as mentioned, is no larger than a typical cellphone. It offers numerous features and a quick-cartridge change design similar to that of the pistol-shaped HERO 2020. You can replace a spent cartridge with a new one in four simple steps, taking only a few seconds.

AIIRO pepper gel launcher.
(Photo by HERO Defense Systems)

The unit has a sure-grip handhold area, a safety release, dual shot-firing buttons, and a durable outer shell that can withstand repeated use.

Aside from the sticky debilitating gel, this little number also offers a 120dB alarm to hopefully scare off an attacker long before they enter your personal space.

What makes this self-defense device so useful and practical for everyday use is its concealability. With its ultra-compact design, it can fit into a pocket, purse, or any carry bag. So, you never leave home without it.

The Aiiro is powered by disposable batteries that offer long-time use and easy replacement.

Buying Options

There are many variations to choose from when buying either the HERO 2020 or the AIIRO self-defense weapon. This includes buying the “basic” unit only, kits containing both weapons, and bundles that include just about everything except the kitchen sink. The bundles include both weapons, replacement cartridges, protective sleeves, and even carrying cases.

No matter your budget or personal self-defense needs, there’s a unit or combo package that’s right for you.

Ready, Set, Defend!

Both devices are perfect for beginners in non-lethal defense or adding to established self-defense plans. Compactness, ease of use, and effective results create the trifecta for both weapons. As a result, you’ll have greater peace of mind whenever you step out of your house (and they’re highly effective for home defense, too.)

Be smart, make your purchase, and always have a HERO by your side!

For more information, please visit

HERO non-lethal self-defense.
(Photo by HERO Defense Systems)

HERO 2020 Specs

AmmoPAVA irritant balls or Bluntforce balls
Color OptionsBlack, white, dark blue, light blue
Included AdditionsLaser sight & stun light
MSRPFrom $179.00 and up


AmmoAerosol gel
Color OptionsPink, black, white, light blue, dark blue
Included AdditionsIntegrated high-decibel alarm
MSRPFrom $169.00 and up