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VIDEO: Mass Shooting in Gun-Controlled Norway – with Bow and Arrow

In yet another example of an off-the-mark narrative, a suspected terrorist in Norway recently went on a killing spree with a bow and arrow. According to most definitions, a mass shooting constitutes three to four deaths. Although, Australia prescribes a minimum of five.

Man Kills 5 and Injures 2 with Bow and Arrow in Gun-Controlled Norway

Proving once again that it is the person, not the tool, the 37-year-old suspect began his attack late Wednesday. Although Norway has strict gun regulations, the man was able to achieve carnage on the same level as a mass shooting.

According to reports, the rampage began shortly after an interaction between the suspect and police. As a result, four women and one man, between the ages of 50 and 70, are now dead. There were also two additional injuries during the attack. According to a Reuters report, one of the injured parties was off-duty law enforcement.

Authorities now say this appears to have been an act of terrorism. Officials stated that the suspect is a Muslim convert, previously flagged as having been radicalized. In a New York Post report, Ann Iren Svane Mathiassen, the police attorney leading the probe, said the suspect admitted, “I did this.”

It is becoming clear that the suspect already had issues and had a previous conviction for burglary and drug possession. Additionally, an Associated Press report states that the court granted a restraining order against him a year ago. He was ordered to stay away from his parents for six months, after threatening to kill them.

Although official comments have yet to be released, the suspect reportedly used other weapons besides the bow and arrows. Police are still investigating what items he may have had with him. The investigation is receiving assistance from weapons experts and other technical officers.

One eyewitness told the Associated Press that “when he ran toward the sound of screams, he saw a woman being stabbed by a man with some kind of weapon.”

National Reaction

Although police in Norway do not carry firearms, the incident has moved the police directorate to order officers nationwide to carry. This once again bolsters the notion that the only thing stopping a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Or a bad guy with a bow and arrow, as in this case.

In a statement made to Reuters, the directorate said, “This is an extra precaution. The police have no indication so far that there is a change in the national threat level.”

Prime Minister Erna Solberg added in a news conference, “I understand that many people are afraid, but it’s important to emphasize that the police are now in control.”


Skillset Magazine
American Frontiersman