“I’m really f*cking awesome.”
It may seem like a ballsy thing to say but Michelle Viscusi is a GLOCK Shooter, former contestant on Top Shot and a former U.S. Army MP who’s worked alongside Border Patrol. In other words, Michelle’s an all around badass and is truly f*cking awesome.
If you’ve ever had the opportunity to spend five minutes with this lady, you’ll be quick to learn she’s not only wickedly smart, but funny as hell.
Michelle Viscusi is one of the more grounded people we’ve ever had the pleasure of spending time with.
Her epic eye rolls and charming smile combinations are something to be adored.
Megan Holly: What’s the last thing you apologized for?
Michelle Viscusi: I’m sorry, I can’t remember.
M.H.: What’s your favorite curse word?
M.V.: Oh shit.
M.H.: Having served in the military, I’m sure you’ve been graced with a few scars. What’s your favorite?
M.V.: I never got any cool scars from the military but I did get a potato chip-sized piece of skin off my heel after my 15-mile ruck march. It was so disgusting. I sent it in the mail to my mom [laughs].

M.H.: You’re a Maxim model, a champion shooter/GLOCK Girl, Military Police Officer with the Border Patrol, gymnast and, most recently, a mom. What has been the most interesting job you’ve had to date?
M.V.: Alongside being a wife and mom, the most interesting job I’ve had is shooting for Team GLOCK. I’ve had a lot of enjoyable life experiences traveling the world and meeting cool people along the way.

M.H.: What have you taken from your life in high-intensity situations (Border Patrol, professional shooter) and applied to being a mom? Or vice versa?
M.V.: My military/shooting career has taught me to be patient. The hurry-up-and-wait lifestyle has turned over into my current life as a mom. I can’t even tell you how much patience I have learned from both lifestyles. When competing in a shooting challenge, you’ll stand around for hours only to shoot two minutes in an entire day. In the same way, it’s that feeling when your child makes you want to rip all your hair out. You just need to walk away, take a deep breath and relax.
Patience is what it’s all about when parenting.
M.H.: You are constantly around people who want to get to know you. And by get to know you, I mean you’re getting hit on. Let’s be honest, you’re gorgeous. Be it at trade shows, shooting events or through your followers online, what is the worst pickup line you’ve gotten?
M.V.: I don’t know that I really get the cheesy pickup lines, but I do get the, “Hey, we’re friends on Facebook. Did you see where I commented this…?” And I usually just sit there and smile.

M.H.: What’s one thing you can’t live without?
M.V.: I was trying to come up with something funny or crazy, but I’d have to say my family.
M.H.: You’re constantly on the move, traveling and training. How do you maintain such an enviable physique?
You totally don’t have a “Mom Bod” Michelle!
M.V.: What are you talking about? Have you seen these curves? 😉
M.H.: Being a female in a male-dominated industry, is there any advice you would give to a fellow female shooter looking to enter this particular market?
M.V.: If anyone is interested in getting into competition shooting, find your local shooting range and look to their calendars to find the match dates. You can show up and watch the first time, or just jump right into it. Mostly everyone in the industry is easy to talk to and very helpful. Make sure you have your belt, mag pouches and a holster. Get out there and have fun!

Michelle Viscusi: Rapid-Fire
- Animal: Killer Whale
- Food: Italian
- Drink: Vodka Red Bull
- Car: ’69 Charger
- Gun: Glock 34
- Celebrity: I’d like to meet Leonardo DiCaprio
- Book: Anything James Patterson
- Movie: Queen of the Damned
- Song: Anything current or ’50s to ’90s
- TV Show: 20/20