Best Fixed Blade Knife For Your Money? The Outlier Fang V3
There's no better way to get a solid review of the gear you want to purchase than reaching out to...
Ben Tirpak is a family man of two beautiful children
who spends his time on the weekends polishing up on
his skillsets. He enjoys shooting, cycling, and
wrenching on rusty rides. He is a well-rounded
individual who lives life to the fullest and meets every
challenge head-on.
There's no better way to get a solid review of the gear you want to purchase than reaching out to...
Whenever the subject of cool and unique 3D-printed guns comes up, the name Print Shoot Repeat will follow soon after....
The truck market has never been more intense than in the past decade with each manufacturer releasing a bigger more...
As we look back on the year, it becomes obvious that a major shift occurred throughout the year at Skillset....
This past November, Skillset magazine had the pleasure to visit the one and only SEMA show in Las Vegas. Let...
After much anticipation and all the drama we come to expect around anything involving Elon Musk, his deal with Twitter...
So what does it take to go from working for the man to blazing a trail of your own? Skillset...
Skillset has always done what it can to help shine a light on our industry's innovators, artists, makers, and entrepreneurs....
It's our favorite time of year. The weather is warming up, there's lots to do, and the kids are getting...
If the past two years have taught us anything here at Skillset Magazine, it's that we need more of the...