Life Is A Grind: The High-End World Of Engraving With Jeff Parke
Talent. Some people seem just to be born with it. Others believe that if you grind away long and hard...
Ben Tirpak is a family man of two beautiful children
who spends his time on the weekends polishing up on
his skillsets. He enjoys shooting, cycling, and
wrenching on rusty rides. He is a well-rounded
individual who lives life to the fullest and meets every
challenge head-on.
Talent. Some people seem just to be born with it. Others believe that if you grind away long and hard...
Where Can I Buy Ammo? Whether you are an avid firearms enthusiast, a casual shooter or just a proud American...
We get a lot of questions sent our way here at Skillset Magazine, so we thought it was a good...